Friday, May 23, 2008


On the eve of this Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial start of summer, I am really looking forward to some warmer weather. Here in the Northwest, it tends to be damp and chilly a lot longer than elsewhere. I grew up in the Midwest, where spring meant Tornado season, and I see that they are getting hit by a record number of storms this year, so I guess I shouldn't complain about a few drizzly days.

In June, I am starting a new series of classes both in the studio and at the local Community College here in Vancouver. These are always fun and I love watching the light bulb go off when one of my students has a breakthrough! Hopefully everyone who takes classes comes away with a new idea, more inspiration, or at least a better appreciation of their own talent and skill....for painting is a learned skill, like playing the piano! If you are a child prodigy, of course you will be brilliant, but that does not mean that many, many people who practice can't become excellent pianists. It is the same with painting. Practice gives you the tools to continue to improve your technique as well as giving you hours of entertainment! With that in mind...

I invite you to come paint with me!

New classes starting in June and July! Watercolor and/or Acrylics. Beginning classes will help you discover your inner artist! For those of you who are already painting, there is an intermediate class in acrylcs beginning in July. Here are the details:

Tuesday Evenings: 6:30 - 8:30PM Beginner Acrylics at Clark College with Sharon
Call 360-721-1621 for more information.

Tursday Evenings: 6:30 - 8:30 PM Beginning Watercolor at FCC with Sharon
Call 360-721-1621 for more information.

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 - 8:30 PM Intermediate Acrylics with Sharon at Escape Studio
Call 360-721-1621 for more information.

Happy Painting!

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